Widows of Grace is a ministry of comfort and compassion that honors single-agains (widows and divorcees). We desire to communicate love and support. We are a group of women who can relate and even spiritual lead others forward in hope and understanding. We wish to help others heart to sing for joy once again (Job 29:13)
We are bonded together through circumstances we would not have chosen-nonetheless, a very powerful bond. The impact of our changing circumstances has been challenging, to say the least. We seek to determine how those circumstances, that loss, is integrated into our lives. We are motivated to help others, open about our loss or silent, that choice is ours, and ours alone, as we, too, are at various stages of healing.
Widows of Grace meet once a month (second Saturday). We go on outings together. We join each other for a light meal or snacks and fellowship, play games, or just to talk. We laugh together, sigh together, relate to each individual’s circumstance, uniting our hears with the Healer of broken hearts and crushed spirits-Our Lord Jesus Christ-Who grants peace, mercy, and healing.
We encourage you to connect with caring people who have your best interests at heart. We welcome you here!
Widows of Grace Leader, Dr. Debbie Chavez